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  To  :
  Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 00:43:31 +0200 (MEST)

Re: ggiGetPixelFormat and proposed new DirectBuffer scheme

> /* Pixelformat for ggiGet/Put buffers etc. */

PLEASE make that either generic (i.e. for all buffer, i.e. everything
that can be described by a directbuffer), or not at all.

A special struct for GetPut buffers is what we _don't_ need.

Also note, that masks not always cut it, and RGB isn't the only color space.

> const ggi_pixelformat *ggiGetPixelFormat(ggi_visual_t vis);

NO. Make it using directbuffer. It has provisions for describing
auxiliary buffers like the getput buffers. See some of my older mails.
The basic trick is to give "DB_GetPutStart" to the function getting
the directbuffers instead of NULL.


= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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