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  To  :
  Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 00:51:43 +0200 (MEST)

Re: libGGI on OpenBSD

Hi !

> jason@foo [~/ggi-cvs/degas/lib/libggi/demos] $ ./demo
> ./demo: unable to open default visual, exiting.

This is because LibGGI somehow cannot make use of its "visual" driver
or the driver say the visual cannot be opened. 

A "visual" is effectively the entity you are drawing on. In your case an
X window I assume.

> I have done a ktrace and it seems to be opening after trying to
> open and which are non-existant.

Hmm - It normally should detect the presence of X by the DISPLAY variable
and thus directly try to use the X target, but well ...

As someone suggested, please turn on debugging in LIBGGI using
LIBGGI_DEBUG=255 and/or send us output from the ktrace.

Also check your /etc/ggi/libggi.conf and the location of the libggi driver

> BTW:  My reason for wanting GGI is to develop a game using 2d graphics,
> no fast action but be as portable across *nix machines (of the 3 of us
> working on this, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Linux) and GGI seems like it does what
> we want maybe easier than Xlib, am I wrong?

*grin* Yeah - we believe in that :-). Hope you get things running soon ...

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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