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  From: WHS <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 02:14:51 +0200

/ vs \ [Re: PenguinPlay IRC meeting. GGI developers wanted] wrote:

> >     * A general file I/O system.  Provides functinality similar to the
> > GNU coustom streams or C++ stdstream, only
> >         portably and in C.  (Specifically we want this to allow loading
> > from "archive files").
> Yeah - and "file-dialogs" and separators and such should be abstracted ...
> You know that DOS \ vs Unix / thing ...

Actually, this may not be a problem. I have a utility bbcim floating
around the net which makes diskimages and extracts files from them (for
BBC computer emulators) which has been compiled under win32 by someone I
know (with a few changes) but with '/' as a dir separator. This works!
(he uses NT/win 95 which I don't have. I only consider installing that
junk for Duke4ever btw).

IIRC this also works on the DOS version which I compiled with turbo C
for those unfornates not having a better OS...


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