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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 16:54:10 -0700 (PDT)

Re: Removal of GGI Console from Degas

On 4 Aug 1998, Jason McMullan wrote:

> Jon M. Taylor <> wrote with confidence:
> > On 3 Aug 1998, Jason McMullan wrote:
> >>   Anyhow, if I get no `nay' votes by midnight EST (GMT+5),
> >> I'm pruning these directories from the Degas CVS:
> >> 
> >> 	degas/os
> >> 	degas/include/kgi
> >> 	degas/kgi 
> > 
> > 	Are you just going to toss the existing KGI and use fbdev until 
> > Steffen's new Degas-KGI is ready, then?
> 	Yes - kinda. I'm tossing the GGI Console version of KGI
> and just working on GGI Console stuff on my own CVS tree until
> I can get GGI Console working with fbdev devices. Then (hopefully
> Steffen's new KGI will be out) I will re-write the kgiscroll
> scroller.
> 	So both `kgicon' and `GGI Console' will be separate
> projects which can support each other and not interfere with
> each other's patches, but can _both_ be added to the kernel.

	Steffen said something about his new KGI having console support.  
Will that stuff become part of GGI Console?

> 	Eventually, GGI Console would replace fbcon, 

	And KGI would replace fbdev, I assume.

> but that
> is still in the future. Basically, I don't want to hold back
> KGI acceptance with the unfinished GGI Console code.

	OK, so Degas-KGI will be basically an improved fbcon+fbdev,
compatible with the existing Linux console, right?  That would make a nice
intermediate step between the current system and GGI Console.  So now we 
have the following "battle plan" if I read everything correctly:

1: KGI drivers + kgicon replaces the existing fbcon driver structure with
the superior KGI driver structure, while preserving the existing console

2: GGI Console development continues.  Initially it uses fbdev for
scrollers and the existing Linux input device stuff. 

3: Degas-KGI replaces fbcon/fbdev/fbmem and provides more sophisticated 
video device and console handling while maintaining compatibility with 
the traditional linux console.  No input device stuff.

4: GGI Console development continues, using KGI for scrollers.

5. KII or some equivalent input device abstraction scheme is either added 
separately to the kernel or folded into GGI Console.  GGI Console 
replaces KGI console as the standard Linux console system and nirvana is 

	That sound about right?


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