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  From: Jason Ish <>
  To  : Marcus Sundberg <>
  Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 16:43:31 -0600

Re: libGGI on OpenBSD

> Could you please "export LIBGGI_DEBUG=255", run the demo and
> post the output. It should give some clues about what goes 
> wrong.

jason@foo [~/ggi-cvs/degas/lib/libggi/demos] $ ./demo
init.c:226: Debugging=255
init.c:386: Loading driver display-x::0.0
dl.c:53: hand.handle=0x400171c0
dl.c:60: hand.init=0x0
dl.c:61: hand.cleanup=0x0
dl.c:88: 0x0=_ggiLoadDL("/usr/local/lib/ggi/display/")
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x8004
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x8084
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0xb004
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x6764
init.c:386: Loading driver display-KGI:/dev/graphic
dl.c:53: hand.handle=0x0
dl.c:88: 0x0=_ggiLoadDL("/usr/local/lib/ggi/display/")
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x8004
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x8084
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0xb004
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x6764
init.c:386: Loading driver display-svga
dl.c:53: hand.handle=0x0
dl.c:88: 0x0=_ggiLoadDL("/usr/local/lib/ggi/display/")
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x8004
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x8084
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0xb004
dl.c:196: ZAPDL call: 0x7000 0x6764
./demo: unable to open default visual, exiting.
init.c:306: ggiExit: really destroying.
jason@foo [~/ggi-cvs/degas/lib/libggi/demos] $ 

Now I don't have /dev/graphic but wouldn't think I needed it for the X


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