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  From: Jason Ish <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 11:47:56 -0600

libGGI on OpenBSD

In order to get libGGI to compile under openbsd I had to add

degas/lib/libggi/extensions/misc/display/X/Makefile in the stable tree.
It compiled fine after that (previously I had done more mucking around
which screwed me up even more).

While running any of the demos (and even the simplest program I could
right by looking at demo to get a window on the screen) I end up with
this error.

jason@foo [~/ggi-cvs/degas/lib/libggi/demos] $ ./demo
./demo: unable to open default visual, exiting.

I have done a ktrace and it seems to be opening after trying to
open and which are non-existant.

Any info on this that could help me.  I have read all the docs and
couldn't find or missed anything referring to this.

BTW:  My reason for wanting GGI is to develop a game using 2d graphics,
no fast action but be as portable across *nix machines (of the 3 of us
working on this, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Linux) and GGI seems like it does what
we want maybe easier than Xlib, am I wrong?


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