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  From: Steffen Seeger <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 09:52:17 +0200 (MEST)

Re: degas KGI - what's the status?

> Is GGI still going to have their own KGI drivers? 


> Or did we agree to
> drop making hardware drivers and instead focus in libGGI?

I think main public development should for now focus on libGGI, to get it
running on 'standard' systems. The new KGI is designed, and RSN entering 
testing phase. But there is still some work to be done on the system layer
stuff and the KGI-native console.

However, it's good enough for someone to start writing a fbcon layer
for it. I contacted Emmanuel, hope he is doing it, if not, some>>one<< else
will be welcome to do it.

> Last thing I heart is that Steffen Seeger is designing the new KGI
> API, but he has been quiet for some time. (BTW, does anyone know why?)

There has been a RFC some time ago, and I published some snapshots on my
homepage. It's still not really public, as it isn't tested yet.
Docu is missing too. But making good progress!

> It's just that I have some spare time now, having ideas how to make a
> new KGI API but I don't dare to start unless there is some
> clarification.

Sorry, but I would not allow another one :-). The new one does allow for
all the major designs, is flexible enough and can be extended. I don't see
a need to change it that soon.

> puzzled,
> Matthias Grimrath


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