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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 19:20:26 -0600

Trying to check in with CVS: Help!

I'm getting only grief from cvs. What works with anoncvs does not work
for my new account.

Any ideas? I've tried from within degas and above it. I've tried other
-d directories to no avail.
I've tried exporting the directory to CVSROOT

cvs -d login
(Logging in to
CVS password:

cvs -d -z9
update -PAd
Protocol error: 'Directory' missingE Protocol error: 'Directory'
missingE Protocol error: 'Directory' missingE Protocol error:
'Directory' missingE protocol error: directory '/cvsdevel/degas' not
within root '/projects/ggi/cvsdevel'

cvs -d
checkout degas/kgicon/kgi/chipset/Cyrix/gx.c
protocol error: directory '/cvsdevel/degas/kgicon/kgi/chipset/Cyrix' not
within root '/projects/ggi/cvsdevel'

cvs -d commit
protocol error: directory '/cvsdevel/degas/kgicon/kgi/chipset/Cyrix' not
within root '/projects/ggi/cvsdevel'


It'd be nice if I could get this to work as I have some changes I'd like
to commit which
fix a few things. (Like make it work in most resolutions)


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