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  From: teunis <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 17:48:37 -0700 (MST)

Re: win32 targets and other silliness....

On Sat, 29 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> teunis wrote:
> > 
> > I've had to do a wee bit of "programming" (if visual basic counts as that)
> > under windows 98 a bunch recently and for fun ported some OpenGL code I
> > was messing around over...  It was remarkably easy :)
> > 
> > BUT - I'd rather be using GGI to host the events/graphics/etc...  anyone
> > know if there's any Windows port of libGGI?  (or ideas for one?)
> > I remember some comments before but I don't know the tools involved....
> Libggi should build on win32 with GNU make and mingw32/cygwin32.
> On cygwin it should build out-of-the box, but mingw requires some
> tweaking. I did get the stars demo to run on win32 using the
> X-target around June, but cygwin32 seems to have some problems
> with DLLs, and it also requires the cygwin.dll, so I haven't
> done any more work for cygwin32.
> The remaining job for a working win32 port is to write a DirectX
> target, and find a compiler that builds a win32 libggi properly...
> If you want to try writing a libggi makefile (or whatever it uses)
> for Visual C++ it would be great.

If I can get DirectX 6 SDK downloaded (failed 3 times so far) I'll check
this out...  otherwise I can't as I have no free money for buying CD's of
sdk's from micky-soft...

On the makefile issue - Visual C++'s makefiles are kinda weird but they
-might- be able to do the job.  I'll check into it this week :)

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

PS: Is there as yet an -OpenGL- target for GGI? :)  If there were that'd
make an accelerated libGGI under Windows lots easier to write :)

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