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  From: Tristan Wibberley <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 17:05:40 +0000

Re: New function in libggiMisc RFC.

Andrew Apted wrote:
> The application wants to specify this stuff when it opens a window,
> which is done by the ggiSetMode() function, so we either
>    a) change the ggiSetMode() function to have an extra parameter (e.g.
>    ggi_wininfo*),
>    b) have a new function (e.g. ggiSetWindowInfo) which has to be called
>    before ggiSetMode().

Yes, this is best, but it should wait for ggiSetMode if called before
then (then the window is created with these details), or change stuff if
called after ggiSetMode.

>    c) extend ggi_mode.  The position info can be parsed by ggiParseMode
>    (and like I said, the code is already there to do it), such as :
>       libggi/demos/demo 320x200[8]+160+100

No, keep all window system target specific stuff in ggiMisc.

> >       If you want "window modes", keep them separate from display/buffer
> >  modes.  Have LibGWT handle them internally, IMHO.

What do you mean window modes? a window doesn't have a mode as far as
ggi is concerned, a visual does. Even with libGWT, it will be a visual
that has a mode (although the visible.x/y will be limited to the  size
of a precreated GWT window. Info on GWT -> This is what's so attractive
about GWT rather than trying to improve display-sub - you manipulate the
windows (as separate objects), and draw to a visual with display-GWT as
the target, although some fields of Marcus' window data structure will
also affect GWT windows as if you had called GWT's own API (and that is
how they'll be implemented I should think :).

> I'm not talking "window modes", just a way for application to make
> GGI apps look better in windowed environments (such as having something
> other than "GGI on X" in the title bar :-).

Definately. This was my intention. I had considered that libGWT could be
used with it's functions limited for these cases, but libGWT is too big
just for this, and it seemed silly :)


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