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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 31 Aug 1998 13:41:36 GMT

GGI Console

    The `It Compiles For Me' release of GGI Console is out. 
Should be copied to the anoncvs server within the hour.
If not, tell me. Major changes:

	* Openfirmware display support
	* struct kgi_render text rendering modules
	* moved stuff into directories.

 Need to do:

	* Make kernel diffs
	* Make it boot properly
	* Fix the console_printk problem
	  (ie, it doesn't) for OpenFirmware
	* Get the Mac input drivers to work.
	  (The Linux keyboard API is _very_ 
	   hard to wrap. A rewrite of the
	   Mac Keyboard (mac_keyb.c) is needed...)
	* Get the Mac mouse drivers to work.

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
  already built into the User?
	-- Steve Shaw <>

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