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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 17:10:20 +0200

Re: Stereo Graphics Support

Steven Johnson wrote:
> Im not sure if its been mentioned or discussed before but:
> I Think any new video interface system should have support for
> stereoscopic viewing. Either with LCD Shutter Glasses or Head Mounted
> Displays. Windows has no standard way of doing this, and given the
> architecture of the windows drivers it is very difficult to "tack it
> on".
> Basically all that is needed is the ability to support several special
> "tweaked" video modes, and a mechanism for having frame synch control.
> (To toggle the eye/frame for LCD Shutter Glasses.) Also some new cards
> have support for this in hardware so it makes sense for the video
> drivers to expose this functionality in a standard way.
> What do other people think.
> 3d Games are way cool with LCD Shutter glasses and the biggest thing
> holding back this technology is a standard programming interface.
> Steven Johnson.

The libggi extension-mechanism allows us to seamlessly integrate
support for this and similiar things in the API as soon as we
have hardware support for it.

As for KGI drivers they should support all modes the HW support.
I don't know if anyone is currently working on getting the
RayPos stuff working for KGI drivers (Brian?).

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |      E-Mail:

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