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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 15:23:11 -0700 (PDT)

Re: Virge lock ups

On Sun, 30 Aug 1998, Ray Glendenning wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Aug 1998, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > * Horizontal pixel clocks need to be doubled for 15/16bpp modes to work. 
> > They are not, so those modes don't work right (or at all in some
> > resolutions).  That is why you get out-of-range timings for those modes -
> > the slow pixel clock effectively doubles the vertical refresh rate.  When
> > I do get in-range 15/16bpp modes, they have vert refresh rates of like
> > 140Hz(!) and I can only see them because I have a nice 17" monitor. 
> > 
> Yeah, I tried to fix this last year *8-)

	Me too.  It should just be a simple matter of doubling the clock
rate before feeding it to the hardware - no modifications to the clock
driver etc should be necessary.  The mode timing doesn't change, just the
effective pixel clock value.  But I could never figure out how to do it
right |-<. 

> > * The extended (8514-type) acceleration registers are never set in the
> > chipset driver and there's no Trioxx or Virge accel drivers yet.  So, no
> > accelerations are present.
> > 
> *8-( 

	It's not as bad as all that.  There is a working Vision96x accel
driver, and the differences should be quite minimal as far as the basic
8514/A setup code and drawing ops.  What is more missing is the
Trio/Virge-specific accel ops.  Some are the same as Vision96x (clipping),
some are just a little different (blits, hlines), some are quite different
(lines, areafills) and some are completely new (Trio short-stroke lines,
Virge triangles, STREAMS for both).  

	Getting it all working 100% will be a decent bit of work.  I'd be
willing to help once the foundations of the drivers are working, and of
course I will be available to offer advice and the benefit (such as it is)
of my Trio coding experience, but I will not go near the foundations again
for love nor money |-<. 
> > 	Lots of work needs to be done on these drivers.  But I have been
> > fighting with the Trio driver off and on for two years now and I have
> > gotten to the point where I get nauseous just thinking about working on
> > them again.  The buggy brain-deadness of that hardware family is nothing
> > short of monumental.  If anyone out there would like to step forward and
> > replace me as the official Trio driver maintainer, I would welcome it
> > greatly.
> > 
> I would take over at least to collect patches as I'm still learning
> myself, 

	You learn by doing in this business.  Especially with Trios |->. 

> but if noone else wants the job, I'm here.

	There doesn't actually need to be one official maintainer, just
one or more people willing to hack, patch, etc.


'Cloning and the reprogramming of DNA is the first serious step in 
becoming one with God.'
	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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