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  From: Ray Glendenning <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 18:18:42 +0100 (BST)

Virge lock ups


When I try to use the virge driver, it consistently locks my machine solid
after a random number of console switches (of mode switches ie running a
libggi proggie).  This happens if I compile kgicon and the kernel for both
SMP (not sure if this is safe) or UP.  I have even compiled kgicon into
the kernel (using my own patch) to see elimenate vgacon from the equation
(well, you never know!).

It crashes just after 'dump_state' finishes printing its stuff (I have a
dumb terminal as console), so it is somewhere in the chip programming
part.  I'm willing to crash my machine some more if someone can tell me
where to put debugging stuff so we can eliminate this crash (or am I the
only one this is happening to???)

Cheers for any help

Ray Glendenning

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