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  From: Matthias Grimrath <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 20:04:24 +0200

Re: Multisync.

Johan Karlberg wrote:
>On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Matthias Grimrath wrote:
>> You mentioned you have some spare video cards.  Could you test the
>> the multihead feature of the latest Mystique driver?
>I do have some spares, a 10, not to mention an entire pile of old ISA
>WD's.. 30's I think mainly, left over from the left machinepark upgrade,
>there aught to be about 80 of these in a box here :)
>well, with multihead, do you just mean putting say, an s3 in to boot on,
>and the loading the kgicon mystique driver to see if it wakes it up

Yes.  In theory, the following should work:
- Insert kgicon.  The Mystique should wake up.
- map some/all consoles with 'con2fbmap´
- You should see a stable picture coming from the Mystique

>or somehow inserting two kgicon's? if the later, I would need
>directions since I have no clue as to what I am dooing in that case.. ,

Me too. :-)

>btw, I really love the 1024x1024 mode, it's .. funkey :)

Yep, it's crazy what you can do with freely programmable clocks and
multisync monitors.  Still the driver doesn't exploit the card 100%;
even modes like 1600x25 are possible. :-)

Matthias Grimrath

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