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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 30 Aug 1998 13:49:40 GMT

Re: External symbols for kgicon module

James A Simmons wrote:
>       OK, I agree.  I think the best solution is to turn the damn cfbx
> code into modules that are compiled and linked intelligently by the kernel
> according to a set of dependencies.  It is absurd to have the user have to
> figure out the dependencies themselves.

   Yep. I'm converting them into `text render modules' (ie,
struct kgi_text_operations) in the new GGI Console code -
which I hope to release a PPC version by Monday.

   It's _pretty_ easy to convert the cfbX stuff to renderers,
but it isn't automatic yet.

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
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