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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 4 Aug 1998 15:14:36 GMT

Re: Removal of GGI Console from Degas

Andrew Apted <> wrote with confidence:
> BTW Jason, I won't be doing any more work on EvStack.  Sorry.
> Of course I'm still happy to discuss/explain any of the code that I
> added, in case you have problems with it (hopefully you won't :).

   Zoright. The work you've been doing on libGGI lately is pretty spiff.
I can no longer keep track of all the wonderful improvements y'all have
made to it.  Now for me to finish GGI Console...

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
  already built into the User?
	-- Steve Shaw <>

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