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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 16:33:03 +1000

Re: Problems with ATI Mach64 Driver...

Jon writes:

>  On Sat, 29 Aug 1998, Andrew Apted wrote:
>  > So the question is: do we integrate kgicon into the kernel makefile
>  > system (i.e. right now) ?  
>  	We can try, but we'd better ask Alan Cox if he thinks it would
>  have a chance of getting past Linus' code freeze first. 

Hehehe.  Sorry, but there's a snowflake's chance in hell of Linus
putting it into the kernel before 2.2.  We should be aiming at 2.3
IMHO, but we can still integrate into the kernel right now if we wanted
(as an add-on patch like various others around the place).

>  > What worries me is the big question mark
>  > floating above Steffen's new KGI API (and the other KGI APIs like the
>  > evstack and suidkgi changes).
>  	I'm not to worried about EvStack/GGI Console - Jason seems to have
>  taken that under his wing.  I also think that KII can continue to be part
>  of GGI Console for the time being, as it sort of is now.  But KGI is a
>  problem.  I think we may have to take KGI's features and pull them out
>  into fbcon-kgi.c.  We have already done some of this, and we could do more
>  now that the kernel has mmap() handler hooks and suchlike.
It's not so much KGI code itself (and KII etc) but the driver API.
There were some changes to the API for EvStack (don't know what though),
and the suidkgi target needed its own changes to the API (to be able to
live in userspace), and Steffen is making his own big changes to the
driver API... and I still want to see a merger (probably over the course
of linux 2.3) of our driver API and the fbcon driver API.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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