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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 4 Aug 1998 15:12:55 GMT

Re: Removal of GGI Console from Degas

Jon M. Taylor <> wrote with confidence:
> On 3 Aug 1998, Jason McMullan wrote:
>>   Anyhow, if I get no `nay' votes by midnight EST (GMT+5),
>> I'm pruning these directories from the Degas CVS:
>> 	degas/os
>> 	degas/include/kgi
>> 	degas/kgi 
> 	Are you just going to toss the existing KGI and use fbdev until 
> Steffen's new Degas-KGI is ready, then?

	Yes - kinda. I'm tossing the GGI Console version of KGI
and just working on GGI Console stuff on my own CVS tree until
I can get GGI Console working with fbdev devices. Then (hopefully
Steffen's new KGI will be out) I will re-write the kgiscroll

	So both `kgicon' and `GGI Console' will be separate
projects which can support each other and not interfere with
each other's patches, but can _both_ be added to the kernel.

	Eventually, GGI Console would replace fbcon, but that
is still in the future. Basically, I don't want to hold back
KGI acceptance with the unfinished GGI Console code.

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
  already built into the User?
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