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  From: Janne Johansson <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 12:03:15 +0200

Marcus Sundberg: Re: Unidentified subject!

>> Why do I get this when compiling for libggi?
>> gcc -O2 -Wall -g my_ggi.c -I/opt/local/include/ggi -I/opt/local/include -lggi -o my_ggi
>> /opt/local/include/ggi/events.h: In function `ggiEventPut':
>> In file included from /opt/local/include/ggi/ggi.h:148,
>>                  from my_ggi.c:4:
>> /opt/local/include/ggi/events.h:300: warning: implicit declaration of function `ASSERT'
>> Apart from that warning, everything works fine.
>Which snapshot is that libggi from?

980814 I think.
I saw that snapshots were kind of daily events, and if I wanted to
code something for ggi, I cant chase the now_2_hour_old_latest version
all the time. Just wondered if there was something really obvious
(like stdio.h or something ;-) that I missed.

>Line 300 in the current devel snapshot is:
>	uint32	changed;	/* modifiers reported		*/
>which should hardly generate that error... ;)

Surely not. Just wondering.

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