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  From: Jim Ursetto <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 23:58:33 -0500

Re: make-3.77 and another problem

At 07:55 PM on 1998 August 28, Sengan Baring-Gould did write:
> Jim Ursetto wrote:

> > I have the same problem here, and have had for several months--both
> > timelist and monosync give large blank areas on the top and on the left
> > side of the screen.
> Funny monosync works for me. Multisync produces wide gaps on the leftand right
> of the screen. The rates are normal or out of spec depending on
> the mode (this is a MediaGX)

Since many (?) people don't have a problem with the blank areas, I guess that
either (1) my monitor (ADI MicroScan 4V) is unable to handle standard
specs, or (2) the timing code in the timelist driver is somewhat incorrect
and other monitors handle the nonstandard specs better than mine. 
Assuming I get some time eventually, I'd like to check the difference
between modes produced by the different drivers and figure out exactly
what's out of whack.  The multisync driver may be beyond hope at the
moment, but perhaps the monosync driver is easily fixable.

Jim Ursetto        | "My goal in life is to become yogurt."   |           -- a cat-tree human from mars

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