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  From: Adrian Ratnapala <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 23:24:41 +0000

Re: ggi man page & info

Christian Reiniger wrote: I don't know anything about nroff sources etc - how
difficult is it to

> write some simple sgml2man / html2man / latex2man converter in, let's say,
> perl?

The problem is that linuxdoc documents and man pages have quite different

Personally I think man pages are well suited to documentation that is
automatically generated
form comments in the source, while SGML is better for "hand written docs".  But
putting such
comments in is probably too much work.

What I plan to do in my own (non GGI) code is to use Perceps, which can generate
user defined output
formats to genereate both man pages, and sgml docs which look like man pages,
this will be the
referance manual.  The rest of the docs I will write in in SGML, and not bother
converting to man
pages (since man isn't suitable for that kind of

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