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  From: Johan Karlberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 13:47:01 +0200 (CEST)

Re: Paged modes...

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998 wrote:

> Hi !
> > Does kgi allow cards with non-linear mmio framebuffers? And if so, is
> > there example code around?
> Yes - it does so using the MMU. If unmapped graphics RAM gets accessed we
> "page in" the right page.
> Example code is e.g. in the old scrdrv code, where I used my S3 in banked
> mode, and someone else mentioned more recent code ...
I was trying to locate a srcdrv archive before, but I never managed to
find it.. is there one on your page?


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