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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 07:34:46 -0700

Re: questions about kgicon and libggi

Andrew Apted says:
> Junichi Saito writes:
> >  BTW, why the scripts aren't given an exec permission ? I had to set it by
> >  hand one by one.
> That's a problem with the anonymous CVS repository.  AFAIK, the tarballs
> on the FTP site _do_ have the correct permissions.

No, this is not the case (I am looking at devel from 0828).
The exec bits are still not set.

Also, something I've been meaning to mention for a while but keep
forgetting is that many many files are mode 666, 664, 777, etc.
This is a major pain because I let other people log into my machine,
so I have to fix this every time.  This is especially bad for source
that I routinely compile and execute as root.

-Neal Tucker

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