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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 10:43:15 +0200

Re: kgicon on PPC (yes, I finally tried)

Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
>         Hi guys,
> I finally tried kgicon on my CHRP box with S3 Vision968 (2 MB VRAM, IBM RGB526
> Comments:
>   - After checking out the files using CVS, the scripts lack the `x' flag, so
>     they don't want to be executed.

It's a problem with the annonymous CVS-mirror, and the mirror maintainer
seems to be on vacation or something.
The daily snapshots at the FTP-site should be correct though.

Chris, how about making your script to correct the x bit available
on the WWW and FTP sites?

>   - What's the -486 option doing there? My egcs doesn't grok that :-)

I assume you mean the -m486 option? Yes, that should not be there!

>   - The card autodetect script failed. /proc/pci no longer exists.

Yes, I know. This will be fixed.
However it will be very tricky to parse the
/proc/bus/pci/devices file in a decent way (espcially if we want
support for detecting multiple cards) with /bin/sh.
Any objections to using perl for the autodetect scripts?

>   - To compile fbcon-kgi.c, I had to
>       o #define VGER_KERNEL

Well, could it be that you're using a vger kernel? ;)

>       o change #include <file> into #include <video/file>

Shouldn't be neccesary. Did you create the symlink from
.../linux/include/kgi to .../degas/kgicon/include ?

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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