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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:47:57 +1000

Re: LibGGI Thread-safety (was Re: Some things that seem to be missing)

Steve writes:

>  > Yes, that is INCREDIBLY bad... as few other people seem to care, I'm going
>  > to have to mess with CVS and start throwing code at thread-saftey myself, I
>  > guess.
>  The locking macros (lib/libggi/include/structs.h) has always been there, but
>  nobody uses them :-(
>  I'd appreciate any help securing the existing code, but it's just this
>  mansync dilemma :-(  -- see below.

Imho SYNC mode is an total abomination and should be cut out of LibGGI
with a dirty big knife ASAP.  Everywhere (in code & docs) we strongly
recommend people don't use it, yet it remains (and as the default too !).

I'm not dishing the mansync code BTW, Steve's done a good job of a
shitty situation.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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