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  From: Boszormenyi Zoltan <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 08:47:06 +0100

make-3.77 and another problem

I downgraded to make-3.76.1 and LibGGI compiled happily which
I couldn't achieve with make-3.77. Finally I have seen the demos too! :)

I experimented a little with kgicon, and I found that 8 and 32 bit modes
(almost) work on my Trio64V+ but not the 16 bit modes.
I used simply "fbset -xres X -yres Y -depth D" with the following results:

320x200x(no matter what depth) -
        fbset complains about a failed ioctl, does not set the mode.
        It is the same with both timelist VESA and monosync SVGA.
640x(400 or 480)x(8 or 32)     - works OK.
800x600x(8 or 32)              - the upper 1/3 of the screen is blanked.
(no matter what mode)x16       -
        the picture is broken, the monitor is set to false timings.

Strange but the scrolling in 32 bit is visibly faster than in 8 bit.
Now I use kgicon compiled in the kernel and in 32 bit mode. The boot
logo is fully colored, I like it very much. :)

I have one question though: where can I find XF86_FBDev precompiled
for x86 arch?

Zoltan Boszormenyi

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