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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 18:53:29 -0600

Re: MediaGX driver help needed

Nikita Proskourine wrote:

> I am having this problem with a 980824 snapshot:
> I went through the scripts and chmod'ed them as necessary and fixed the
> accel scripts so they can work from the menu and finally got kgicon.o to
> compile. But when I try to do "insmod kgicon.o ; con2fbmap 0 1" I get a
> blinking starfield that I remember someone mentioned on this list some time
> ago.
> I have a Compaq Presario 2200 with a MediaGX board and that came with
> practically no technical documentation, so I am not sure what graphics
> chipset and so forth, but I've tried several settings:
> monitor: monosync svga
> chipset: CyrixGX
> accel: gx
> ramdac: tried Cyrix cx5220, gendac, fixed vga

So far I'm still getting the 5510 back up and stable. I believe there are some
issues with the new kgicon (my monitor wigs out in 800x600), and programming
5520 with bogus speeds could cause the problem you are mentionning. I'll be
into 5520 then, and then start on my 5530 port. It'd be great if you could
beta test things
when I fix them.


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