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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 13:55:16 -0700 (PDT)

Re: new design (Re: LibGGI2D, LibGGI3D and targets)

On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Thomas Tanner wrote:
> > Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > 
> > > > That would make LibGGI useless.
> > >         By itself, yes, except maybe for the input stuff.  Again, I
> > > thought that was the idea.  I thought that LibGGI would handle the "glue"
> > > code - the concept of a visual with context, the generic API extension
> > > handling, the DirectBuffer stuff, and other such common, foundational
> > > code.  If this is *not* the case (which appears to be true), I would like
> > > to advocate that it become so.  Maybe not right now, but someday.  See
> > > below for more on why I think this is a good idea.
> > 
> >  Jon, you're absolutely right. You're having _exactly_ the same thoughts
> > like me.
> >  I often enough argued for moving all 2D functionality out of libggi
> >  (even directbuffer), moving events completely to libgii,
> >  extensions having their own context rather than storing their data in
> > visuals
> >  etc.
> > 
> >  That's why I've written a specification for a new GGI design.
> >  Here are some excerpts of the README file and specification,
> >  which outline some of the differences to the "official GGI design":

	Hm.  I haven't received that message yet!  When It comes in, I'll
write some comments. 

[ Marcus' guite true comments about LibGGI snipped]

> * The important thing for the GGI-Project right now is that we get
>   a stable version of libggi out as fast as possible. 

	I heartily agree.  If changes are to be made, make them *after*
Degas is out the door!

>   I doubt that
>   either libggi2d or libggi3d will reach version 1.0 in 1998 (even
>   if I'd be very happy if you proved me wrong), so they really
>   don't have much to do with this goal.

	Well, you can call anything 1.0.  I could call that unuseable mess
in the libggi3d dir 1.0 right now |->.  But I plan on putting in a lot of
time working on libggi3d, so I hope that I can deliver a *real* 1.0 in


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