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  From: Thomas Tanner <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 21:00:41 +0200

Re: LibGGI2D, LibGGI3D and targets

Andrew Apted wrote:
> >       That I can see.  Events are a totally independent item.  Of course
> >  it can be argued that events should have their *own* library.
> Disagree.  Events are not independent, and I can't see how they ever
> _could_ be independent -- on a windowing system (e.g.) you get events
> via the same window handle you use to draw with.  On a tty device, you
> get keyboard input from the same fd that you write characters to.
 Events can be independent. If GGI is a graphics interface then it 
 should concentrate on graphics. I really would like to have independent
 GGI on KGI- and GII on KII systems.
 In my design you have ggi_visuals for graphical objects and gii_inputs 
 as event sources. If you want to get events from, for example, a X-window
 then you just have open a gii_input on the visual and the driver will
 communicate with the X display target to get access to the X-window.
 And you can also access special input devices without having to use GGI
 and the other way around.
> LibGGI2D is for all the non-basic stuff, like curves, polygon outlines,
> filled polygons, stretching, etc... all with different drawing modes
> (and,or,xor) and fill-patterns, alpha support, dotted-lines ETC.  Once
> all this is fully implemented and optimized for some common cases, it is
> going to be *HUGE*.  Way too much bloat for many libggi programs that
> only want the basics.

 I'll probably move some of this features to GGI/GX (extended QuickDrawGX),
 the GGI highlevel 2D API.
Thomas Tanner -----------------------------

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