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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 10:08:36 +0200

GGI and Debian 2.0


yesterday, I switched to the Debian 2.0 (with libc6 aka glibc2).

I now have apparently strange behavior of libggi. It persist in
seg. faulting when starting the most simple demo (./demo, ./stars, etc.).
Even under X11.
(I also have problems under kgicon, but, well, there may be other
reasons for that. ;-) As a side effect,  one cannot see the stars
from Toulouse now :-(.)

Well, globally, do you know of specific issues to tackle on a
Debian 2.0 (or libc6-based) system when working with GGI ?


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