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  From: Nikita Proskourine <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 11:50:22 -0400

MediaGX driver help needed

I am having this problem with a 980824 snapshot:

I went through the scripts and chmod'ed them as necessary and fixed the
accel scripts so they can work from the menu and finally got kgicon.o to
compile. But when I try to do "insmod kgicon.o ; con2fbmap 0 1" I get a
blinking starfield that I remember someone mentioned on this list some time

I have a Compaq Presario 2200 with a MediaGX board and that came with
practically no technical documentation, so I am not sure what graphics
chipset and so forth, but I've tried several settings:

monitor: monosync svga
chipset: CyrixGX
accel: gx
ramdac: tried Cyrix cx5220, gendac, fixed vga

I am using kernel v2.1.117, with vesa framebuffer enabled.


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