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  From: Christian Reiniger <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 13:13:23 +0200

Re: ggi man page & info

WHS wrote:

>> I agree manpages are essential.  However, we don't need to dump SGML
>> documentation to have manpages.  It will just create the same stupid
>> multiple formats with SGML markup, but I'm not stopping anyone from making
>yes, but the most essential one is missing, so it's the wrong choice to
>do the libggi API documentation in sgml at the moment (one can later put
>the man page output back in sgml format when sgml gives man page

I don't know anything about nroff sources etc - how difficult is it to
write some simple sgml2man / html2man / latex2man converter in, let's say,



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