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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  : ggi-develop <>
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:45:05 -0400 (EDT)

XF68_FBDEV XF86Config help

Can someone with XF68_FBDEV working email their XF86Config file. I have
tried several modes and can't get any to work. I'm thinking about hacking
it to use fb0 instead of fbcurrent. Thats annoying and outdated. We need
to start adding accels to fbcon-kgi.c. Also has anyone tried by little
patch for the kernel. I believe I have solved a way to creat the needed
linux kernel makefiles for kgicon. So geert if you are reading this I know
linus said only on more big patch please wait. I will know by tomorrow if 
my idea will work. I will email a post stating to go get this pseudo patch
and download it and try it out. 

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