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  From: Peter Hawkins <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 22:12:07 +1000

Problems with ATI Mach64 Driver...

Hi there...

I just tried the Mach64 driver out of CVS, it compiles fine, and
inserted fine once i worked out i had to insmod the fbcon-vga module
before the kgicon module. However, it bombs out during the detection
phase (which I guess could be classified as insertion).
The card is an ATI Xpert@work AGP with 4mb ram (ATI RAGE 3D PRO). The
output produced is as follows:
Mach64 Detected: Mach64 GB - Rage Pro
doing read/write test.
wrote 0x55555555, got back 0x55555555
Mach64 Register Dump:
crtc_h_total 0x4f005f
crtc_h_sync 0x10055
crtc_v_total 0x 18f01bf
crtc_v_sync 0x e019c
crtc_vline 0x70190
crtc_display_start 0x9001e50
crtc_int_cntl 0x80000034
crtc_gen_cntl 0x2410200
clock_cntl 0x3e03
bus_cntl 0x7333a000
mem_cntl 0x10751a77
dac_cntl 0x8701200a
config_cntl 0x55555555
gen_test_cntl 0x108
Claimed framebuffer memory:
virtual address:  0xc482a000
physical base address: 0xa8000000
size: 8Mb
phys address lines: 0xffffffff
mach64_detect: Apeture Size 8mb
mach64_detect: Apeture location (physical) 0xa8000000
mach64_detect: MMIO_Base: 0xc5029c00 RAM: 4096Kb
mach64_detect: DAC type 'IbmRgb514'
Mach64 Detected: Mach64 GB - Rage Pro, Rev 92, LFB Base 0xa8000000
wrote 0xAAAAAAAA, got back 0xaaaaaaaa
wrote 0x55555555, got back 0x55555555
ATI Technologies Integrated DAC driver $Revision: 1.2$
Mach64 CT/VT/GT integrated PLL clock driver $Revision: 1.2 $
Manufacturer model driver loaded.
error: kgifb_set_var: Unsupported bpp '8'
error: kgicon: Cannot find any usable video mode.
mach64.c:134: Display start: 0x0 pixels
mach64.c:135: Display pitch: 0x50 pixels
Mach64 CT/VT/GT integrated PLL clock driver removed.
ATI Technologies Integrated DAC driver removed.
Restoring card to original state.
kgim_chipset_done: chipset driver removed.
exit_kgi: Finished.

Any ideas? I'm a kgi newbie... I tried changing fbcon-kgi.c - int
kgicon_bpp = 8; to int kgicon_bpp = 16;, but that just changed the
unsupported bpp message from '8' to '16'. Any ideas?


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