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  From: Boszormenyi Zoltan <>
  To  :,
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 10:59:38 +0100

two problems Re: test devel-980824

At 18.34 1998.08.26. +0100, wrote:
>I tested ggi-devel-980824.tar.gz, and here's what i got:

I tried the same snapshot too.

>Using make 3.76.1 (make 3.77 wouldn't work!) I compiled libggi and kgicon
>libggi works fine in X, but I cannot use the Svgalib (1.2.13) target no more..

I used make 3.77. Was that that caused the strange
"Missing separator in line 25" error in degas/config/rules/Linux?
Libggi did not want to compile for me. :( I will downgrade to 3.76.1.

>Kgicon won't insert it's module :(

It inserted well for me. It was OK compiled in the kernel too. (2.1.118)
I have seen the boot logo! :) There was one (ehm, two) problem though: the
penguin looked like it was edge filtered, maybe the colors were incorrect.
(Problem 1.) My config was this: monosync SVGA monitor driver, S3 Trio64V+
chipset driver, S3 Trio integrated DAC driver, S3 Trio clock driver,
generic framebuffer. No accel because if I used that that locked the
screen. Not the machine, the screen only. (Problem 2.) The videocard is a
Genoa Phantom P64-V2001, XFree86 says it's a Trio64V+ rev 40.

In the fbcon-kgi.c I left the original screen settings: 640x400, 8 bit.
On the next boot I got the nice graphic screen, (edge filtered :)) penguin
in the upper-left corner, and despite the graphic mode scrolling was quite
fast. So what should I set to see the logo correctly?

Zoltan Boszormenyi

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