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  From: Isaac Connor <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 15:13:23 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Matrox cards and Sync on green

> Stupid question:
> What is sync-on-green? Is both horizontal and vertical sync
> encoded into the green signal? If so, could I hook up my Millennium
> card to a monochrome monitor that wants a composite signal?
> (provided the card can produce correct timings ofcourse)

Sync-on-green is have bothh sync signals on the green wire.  Um, composite
sync has them embedded on a separate wire...I would ASSUME that the
millenium will do composite sync, but I really don't know.  Of course, you
can build a circuit to put the sync's on a separate wire.  

So yes, you can.

Isaac Connor

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