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  Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 13:34:06 -0400

test devel-980824

(i'm having trouble with mail, so perhaps this is sent twice - sorry for that)

I tested ggi-devel-980824.tar.gz, and here's what i got:

Using make 3.76.1 (make 3.77 wouldn't work!) I compiled libggi and kgicon
libggi works fine in X, but I cannot use the Svgalib (1.2.13) target no more..

Kgicon won't insert it's module :(

kgicon.o: a module named kgicon already exists
open /dev/fb0: Operation not supported by device
(couldn't find anything useful with strace nor gdb - How do I debug modules?)

I have enabled framebuffer support in the kernel (2.1.118) but I haven't
selected VESA or the deprecated vga thingies.. I only have VBE 1.2

check out a great (not :) ) ggi intro on


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