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  From: Isaac Connor <>
  To  : GGI Developers list <>
  Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 13:02:24 -0400 (EDT)

Matrox cards and Sync on green

Ok, so Millenium I's will do sync-on-green, and if I remember correctly
our driver supports that right?

So my question is, what other Matrox cards will do sync-on-green, and do
we support that?

Reason:  I got lots of fixed freq monitors, and my efforts to make
sync-on-green converteres for my mach64's are having limited success...

Isaac Connor - 3rd year Computer Science - University of Waterloo 
ATI Mach64 GGI Driver maintainer

If you play Pepsi Pop Culture, I have "Hasta","Baby","What", "Much",
"Cool", "Tune".
If you want em, you have to share the prize :)

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