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  From: Ursetto, James F. <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 21:47:42 -0500 (CDT)

Fwd: Re: kgicon, etc

This apparently didn't go through before.  I had found a "solution" for
the every-scanline-starts-in-the-middle-of-the-screen problem, in case
no one else figured it out yet (still reading new messages).

----- Forwarded message from Jim Ursetto <> -----
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 17:59:32 -0500
From: Jim Ursetto <>
Subject: Re: kgicon, etc

At 03:32 PM on 1998 July 27, Emmanuel Marty did write:

> This said, I'd love to hear from Stefan Mars, Jim Ursetto, Teunis
Peters, > Matthias Grimrath .. :) Now that KGI drivers have high odds to
fold into > the kernel, that'd be a good time to work on them uh ;)

First off, let me say many thanks to Andrew for porting the ET6000
driver to kgicon.  I've been trying out kgicon for the last few kernel
revisions, and here are some things I've come across so far.

- After you insert the kgicon driver, but before the con2fbmap, you're
still writing to the original console.  But every time you scroll one
(invisible) line in this mode, the display offset register gets changed.
That means the text starts in the middle of the screen.  To fix this
I've had to either hit enter an extra time before the con2fbmap, or
remove the kgi driver, remap the consoles, reinsert, and remap again.

- Yes, I said remove the KGI driver.  I haven't downloaded CVS for a
while, but at last check the KGI driver was non-removable.  I slapped
together a small patch to fix this.  Please holler if you'd like it.
Unfortunately, although the driver unloads fine, the text font is not
restored, and the mode might be set incorrectly.

- But under vgafb, you can't restore the font!  Because the setfont
program doesn't work. :( It works under vesafb, but that can't coexist
with kgicon. Though 80x25T can be set via stm, the font is garbled.

I'm waiting until vgafb supports resizable consoles and font changes (will
it ever?) before I do any major work on the driver.  Anyway, the driver   
works fine, it's just the kgicon restriction of one resolution and bit    
depth which was the motivation of making the module removable.

s       e = 3  3e = 8  c = 3e8       e  "Man with giant head   
a   murasaki Dragon   -==[UDIC]==-   s    use purple-monkey    
p          e     technique."         
e                akira               n         - Golden Spider 
m                          -t.s. eliot                         

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