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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  : Matt Isleb <>
  Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 09:30:21 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Riva 128 (Diamond Viper V330 AGP)

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Matt Isleb wrote:

Soory. Thats one card I don't have. 

> Some other things i tried... I turned on vesafb support (kernel 2.2.5) and booted
> in 640x480x8 mode. The kgicon module loads... and the screen looks great, BUT
> /dev/fb0, /dev/fb1, /dev/fb2 are all useing the vesafb driver. 

Each /dev/fbX represents another video driver. If you use just vesafb then
you have just /dev/fb0. When you insert kgicon.o you will get /dev/fb1.

> I can't perform
> an fbset on them or run kgicon programs on them. I get "FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: 
> Invalid arguement", vesafb complains that I can't change resolutions, then the 
> program dies. 

Yep. Vesafb CAN NOT chnage modes after booting. 

> kgicon.o says it is fb1 and there is a 
> "1 KGI" entry in /proc/fb. But none of the devices seem to be accessing kgicon.
> What major/minor does kgicon use when something like vesafb is active?

Thats right. By devices I assume you mean console. In this case /dev/fb0
is vesafb and /dev/fb1 is kgicon. 

> BTW, can someone explain what con2fbmap does? I did run con2fbmap 0 1.

con2fbmap maps the framebuffer device to a console. If I remember right
the command line goes con2fbmap "console number" "framebuffer device".
If console number is 0 it maps all the consoles to the framebuffer device
you gave on the command line. So con2fbmap 0 1 maps all the console
devices to the first framebuffer device which is vesafb. Now a con2fbmap 0
2 would map all consoles to /dev/fb1 which is kgicon. If you are on the
first VT you problem want to use kgicon just on that terminal. Then just
do a con2fbmap 1 2 

> Should I bother compiling libggi and libgii from the devel snapshot
> or should version2 beta 2 be sufficient?

Ummm.... Hey guys how many changes have you made to CVS since the beta?

James Simmons                            ``The wise man doesn't give right
System Admin EdgeNet Inc                   answers, he poses the right
Linux Kernel Developer                     questions.''                   Claude Levi-Strauss

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