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  From: Matt Isleb <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 00:29:58 -0500

Riva 128 (Diamond Viper V330 AGP)

I read a message in the archives from February concerning a problem 
with the nVidia driver. The author of the post seemed to have fixed
it himself, but I continue to have the problem.

The problem is that when I insert kgicon i get a vertical line on
the left side of each character cell. The lines are 2 or 3 pixels wide. 
The module claims to have loaded fine.. and i can use fbset to change 
resolutions, but the lines are always there. I can't read much.

The original reporter said the specifying kgicon_width=640 and 
kgicon_height=400 did the trick. But I am having no such luck. I have tried 
many combinations of resolution and bpp and none work. Most have this problem,
and some are even worse.

Some other things i tried... I turned on vesafb support (kernel 2.2.5) and booted
in 640x480x8 mode. The kgicon module loads... and the screen looks great, BUT
/dev/fb0, /dev/fb1, /dev/fb2 are all useing the vesafb driver. I can't perform
an fbset on them or run kgicon programs on them. I get "FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: 
Invalid arguement", vesafb complains that I can't change resolutions, then the 
program dies. kgicon.o says it is fb1 and there is a 
"1 KGI" entry in /proc/fb. But none of the devices seem to be accessing kgicon.
What major/minor does kgicon use when something like vesafb is active?

BTW, can someone explain what con2fbmap does? I did run con2fbmap 0 1.

Also, I am using libggi2 from debian. I am getting kgicon from the devel 
snapshot. Should I bother compiling libggi and libgii from the devel snapshot
or should version2 beta 2 be sufficient?

Matt Isleb
UNIX Support Guy
onShore, Inc.

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