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  From: Charles Briscoe-Smith <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 22:59:09 +0100

Re: uploaded .debs ...

Andreas Beck wrote:
>I have seen some uploaded .debs in our incoming. 

Yep, that was my doing.  I started the upload, but had to leave soon
after, so I didn't get a chance to tell anyone about it.  I've been
rather busy the last few weeks, and am just catching up with the lists.

>To the one who uploaded:
>Have you contacted anyone of the people with administrative access to the 
>ftp-site on where to put them ?

No, I didn't get around to that.

>If neither Steve, Eman nor me are contacted, they are likely to linger there
>for long ... In case you contacted one of us, and he hasn't reacted yet,
>you can disregard this message.
>If not, please confirm, that they are authentic and where you would like
>them to be put.

They're authentic -if- you can verify the signature on the .changes file.

Try getting the Debian PGP keyring from
<URL:>;.  My PGP
key is in there, and the .changes and .dsc files should verify correctly.
Also, check that the .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz and .deb files' md5sums are
as listed in the .dsc and .changes files.

(Normally, then .changes file is used only by the Debian archive
maintainence scripts, then thrown away, but it might be worth keeping
it around so that others can check the signature and the .deb's md5sum.)

As for where they should go in the archives, I think
contrib/debian/{source,binary} would be reasonable...  ;)  The .deb and
.changes should go in contrib/binary; the .orig.tar.gz, .dsc and .diff.gz
should go in contrib/sources.

I'll try to upload to the GGI archive whenever I upload to the Debian
archive.  The contrib/debian directory has been empty for far too long!

Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:>;
PGP public keyprint: 74 68 AB 2E 1C 60 22 94  B8 21 2D 01 DE 66 13 E2

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