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  From: Charles Briscoe-Smith <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 23:00:38 +0100

Re: Compiling problems...

>I had the same problem. it's because the files in /usr/include/linux are actual
>directories and not symlinks to the actual kernel include files. Gotta love
>Debian :P Anyway, here's how to fix it:
>cd /usr/include
>rm -rf linux asm
>ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux linux
>ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm asm
>(assuming /usr/src/linux/ is the directory to your kernel sources).

That's not actually a very good way of fixing the problem -- when you
next come to upgrade the package containing the kernel headers, dpkg
will install the new ones into your /usr/src/linux/include directory;
NOT what you want.

Instead, unpack a recent kernel sonewhere (say /usr/local/src/linux-2.2.5)
and configure like this:

CC="${CC-gcc} -I/usr/local/src/linux-2.2.5/include" ./configure --prefix="whatever"

Incidentally, it's not a good idea to unpack random sources (kernels
or otherwise) into /usr/src -- that's as much reserved for the
distribution-makers as /usr/bin or /usr/lib.  Anything you put there might
potentially be overwritten when you upgrade.  Use /usr/local/src instead.
Personally, I use $HOME/src.


Charles Briscoe-Smith
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