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  From: Matthew Vanecek <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 12:06:09 -0500

Re: Documentation, and getting SVGALib to work... wrote:
> > I always run squake, which is from the console.  It works fine in
> > SVGALib in a vga console (I'll get a 3D card one of these days!).  I
> > also run the XFree SVGA server.  Currently, I am booted into fbcon at
> > 1024x768x16M, with X running.
> Xfb or XGGI I suppose ? Or the standard X server ?
> > An ldd of squake:
> > root:reliant quake$ ldd squake
> > => not found
> > => /usr/lib/ (0x40005000)
> > => not found
> > => /usr/local/lib/ (0x4000e000)
> > => /lib/ (0x4001a000)
> > => /usr/local/lib/ (0x400be000)
> > => /usr/local/lib/ (0x400c4000)
> >        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x2aaaa000)
> > => /lib/ (0x400c9000)
> That is at least "problematic". You have a "crosslinked" setup with both
> libcs and libms (libc5 and glibc) somehow linked in. This might cause
> quite some trouble ...

Well, squake is linked against libc5.  AFAIK, id isn't going to
recompile it to link against glibc. :/  However, the SVGALib I have
(stock RH 5.1) is linked against glibc, and quake was working, so I
don't think this should be a problem.

> > As far as I can tell, everything is set up right.  With the appropriate
> > environment variables all set to '1', I get a scrambled screen.  It's
> > like the frequencies are set wrong or something.  The program is
> > running, though.  This is from the fbcon.
> Does fbcon like the mode squake want to set at all ? Try with ./demo or
> something from the LibGGI distribution.

Not really, it's screws the screen up until I CTL-C from quake, or,
using my memory of the keyboard commands select "Quit" and "Yes, I'm a
Wuss". ;)

> modes are set up using fbset which has its own database. Don't remember the
> name quite yet, but "man" will surely help ...
> Try running squake on X first. Less chance to mess anything up.

I'll try that and see.

> BTW: Why do you want to run via the LibGGI wrapper in the first place, if
> your SVGAlib runs fine ? Or is it that it doesn't run well anymore, once
> you use fbcon ?

Well, I was trying to avoid rebooting to get back to the VGA console.  
I haven't seen anything that allows you to dynamically switch between
VGA console and fbcon.  libggi was suggested as a way to use SVGALib
programs (e.g., Quake) on an fbcon, by providing a wrapper for the
svgalib.  And I really dislike rebooting, especially my Linux box. ;)

> CU, Andy
> --
> Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

Matthew Vanecek
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