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  To  :
  Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 17:48:06 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: GGI/GII difficulties

Hi !

> Since there were few example of using GII compined with GGI i naturally
> thought i had to do it all myself, and about an hour or so after I'd 
> send this mail i found a demo which used joystick-input
> combined with GGI.. 

*grin* - as always :-)

> Now to some other things:
> Color Keying, is it implemented?

Not in LibGGI. It was supposed to be in LibGGI2D, but I don't know the state
of that one ...

> Is there some way (without asking for larger visuals) to get visuals in
> video-memory so graphics operations can be performed by hardware, 

No. For now you need to use a larger virtual and place the sprites there.

> When I develop under console environment I have it set to 1600x1200x16 and
> when the program
> calls ggiSetMode with a 640x480x16 mode the result is that the monitor
> doesn't really like the
> frequencies (go figure 200 Khz horizontal and 250Hz vertical :P), now is
> there some way to get
> the SetMode call to also change the frequencies used and not only the with
> and height
> (my guess is that frequency would be pixelclock).
> This is all done with matroxfb btw.

The stock kernel matroxfb ? Or a kgicon driver ?

The latter should calc appropriate frequencies automatically, given the 
monitor's limits.

What happens on the "normal" fbcon driver on a mode-change BTW ?
Does the driver select from a set of "uploaded" modes or what ?

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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