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  To  : mailing list GGI <>
  Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 13:47:59 +0200 (MEST)

The Gathering - Let there be ta 2

A wonderful sunny morning rises over Easterbunnyland and at the first glance
all people there know: This will be yet another great day.

But those of them that know the secret rites, the forbidden books and
scrolls, that talk about newly butchered red masses or cruelly cut
0-dimensional geometric objects, those of them know, that this day is far
better than all the others even imagine.

They all received the magical energy that orginated from somewhere in the
deep caves of iarsee, where three of the greater magical powers wielded
mighty staves and wands and combined strange ingredients to give that
day and the world a very special gift.

And so they gathered to the holy oval stone that stands upright in the
middle of a great stone circle.

Later archeologists will probably consider it to be some astronomical 
facility or a petrified remains of a giant bird's egg, or something even
more obscure, but they'll never know its real purpose.

The three that know looked into the boiling pot, carefully checked the taste
and after adding some salt, they considered it ready for consumption.

So knowing, the gifted had already been called to the gathering, they
decided to use their hidden knowledge to teleport right to that nice stone
that serves as some kind of ILS for them. This time hopefully at the right
place, right size, and without noise or strange smells.

Strangely enough, it worked.

They had expected a cheering crowd to welcome, them, but ... well ... the
crowd was there, but why the heck did noone notice them ? Should it really
have been the case, that the spell had worked flawlessly ?
But even those who stood close by and looked in the right direction didn't
notice ...

Oh - oh. Looking at each other, they suddenly realized the problem. Well,
that's how great discoveries are made ... using too much wet haddock in the
teleportation powder causes invisbility !

So another strange appearance took place, when a cloud of glittering dust
settled on the center of the scene making the Highlords visible.

After a short moment of stunned silence, finally the expected cheers
started and it took a while until they calmed down to a point where
speaking to them became an option.

Master Marcus stepped forward:

" Hear us, good minions and servants of the Good Good Intention !

We have dared it and made the second pot of steaming magic to give it to all
of you and thus give us power to dominate the realm of G'Rah Fix and fight
the evil forces that lurk on the borders.

The potion is called Beh'Tah'Too, due to the strange markings it leaves when
coming into contact with skin. Take care ! It seems to always form the
picture of a fat bird that cannot fly painting something.

The colouring is black again, which lends the secret name for our new
potion of power: Renoir.

The secret place in the etherial planes, from where you can get your
cup of power is reached by chanting

Note the helpers you will need and the newest versions of other spells we
put there as well !

Especially the eXtra stuff is now much improved:

- It does work for multiheaded creatures now.
- You don't have to compose and drink som moh deh lineh first.
- It works together with all magic from the main potion.
- It includes a spell of haste for things that can be hasted.
- It isn't as unwieldy anymore - 1.4 MagicBucks

And we have included the poor man's time machine and LSD:

The legendary "cube3d", which will merge six spells into a single big cube.

Also many many of the side-effects have been removed, no more choking,
burping, jumping around in agony or involuntarily dancing in the Mac Arena.

Minions ! Go, get it !"

All further words cease in the noise and turmoil, when everyone tries to
launch it's EhfTheePi spell to get at the new stuff the masters brought.

So they resort to starting with the actual feat and have a beer. Though
Marcus and Mac quickly disappear to have some fun elsewhere. So for all
the urgent questions and fixes, the minions have to stand in file at 
Steve's helpdesk ...

May the farce be with you !

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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