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  To  :
  Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 16:11:10 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: GgiPuts and Co...

Hi !

> A common interface to font formats and server protocols will also need
> a coder or three.

Yes. Andrew has mentioned his libgfont, and someone should have a look and
check/revise the API.

This API should then be proposed, discussed, and a LibGGI font extension
should be defined with the surviving API proposal.

Such an API should include font selection, font source selection, rendering 
options (like italics, boldface and other font options, rotation, alpha 
blending etc.), blitting characters and strings, querying sizes of 
to-be-blitted strings, etc. pp.

Anyone to take that task ?

Note that I don't talk about coding (yet :-), but about just proposing a
suitable set of functions for it.

CU, ANdy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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