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  Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:01:30 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: nubee Q

> > > Now what?? :) 
> > O.K. - first do some tests. I haven't looked at the RPMs, but I assume the
> > libggi-demos RPM contains a few things to toy around with.
> > For a first try, start up X as usual and try some of the demos. They should
> > run in a window within your X server. If that goes well, LibGGI seems
> > to work properly.

> I downloaded Dave Gnukem or something like that... 

Please try our demos first. This ensures LibGGI is working properly.

If they don't work or anything else doesn't, GGI_DEBUG=255 and strace are your
friends in tracking it down.

> I also tried an SVGALib app in X, but that complained
> that it couldn't open the console. But it is supposed to work, right?

Depends. Not all SVGAlib apps are compatible with the LibGGI svgalib wrapper.

> After I have created the necessary devices, anyway.

If you are on X, you do not need to make any devices.

> > > How do I configure things to use my HW?
> > > I have a Panasync SL90 screen and a Matrox Millenium.
> > What type of Millenium ? I, II, G200, ... ?
> Millenium I.

O.K. - use the kernel internal fbcon driver.

> > First upgrade your kernel to 2.2.x. This should give you the option to
> > enable matroxfb support in the kernel.

> Is this something I _need_ to do?

Only if you want to use LibGGI on the fbcon device.

> > If you boot up with this, LibGGI will automatically make use of it, so that
> > you can start programs from the console.

> Cool :) Can I set up 'graphical' text-mode or whatever it was called then?

Yes. fbcon does that automatically.

CU, ANdy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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