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  From: Evan Martin <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:11:26 -0700

Re: GgiPuts and Co...

BERNARD Sebastien wrote:
> I was just looking at the ggiPuts sources...
> I saw that the character/string output is rather minimalistic...
> I was wondering if it could be a Good Thing (TM) that one could use
> tranparently
> some rasterizing libs like freetype engine or t1lib engine to output some
> texts on the screen.
> This could already be done inside the application, but, I may exists some
> kind of support by the ggi
> (something like unified API to print strings with rotation and special
> effects).
> Maybe hardware support too. Should'nt be so hard to do.
> Any comments ?

In a real-time application, I fear truetype(freetype) would be too slow.
I've written a program that takes a truetype font and generates a .pnm
(picture) and a .h file with the x-coordinates of the letters from the
picture.  That way, it's easy to draw a letter, particularly after
someone writes some surface blitting code for ggi.

It's rather integrated into the source of my project, but if anyone's 
interested, I could split it out.

Evan Martin - -

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